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Dedicated to Learning

We all make mistakes in life. I am no exception and I have failed in many ways. I always strived to do my best to love God and people. One day, something happened that would change my life. It changed not only how I would view God but how I saw how God viewed me. Now I study and pray differently. As a result, Jesus Christ has become more alive and more real than ever before. The Creator Himself, His creation, the infinity of God have become more tangible, relatable, and understandable. There is a connection with the Creator and His creation like never before. I was one of those people who said "I don't have a religion, I have a relationship." Yet all along it was a religion. Now I can honestly say I have a real relationship with a real God. That is the purpose of help others find this same joy that I have found. I am just an ordinary guy who has found the privilege of knowing an extraordinary God. I hope Sekel is a blessing to you.

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The Importance of the Painting


One of the most famous painters of our history is Vincent Van Gogh. There is a painting Van Gogh is known for called The Sower. I have a coffee cup with this painting on it that you may see me drink coffee or tea occasionally in videos. It seems that Van Gogh had a fascination with the concept of sowing into the land and reaping a harvest. 

One view is that The sower in particular was a figure that Van Gogh saw in terms of representing the eternal cycle of agricultural life, of honorable endeavor and tradition, and symbolized these qualities to the artist.

Another interesting view is that Van Gogh certainly had that parable in mind of the sower in Matthew 13. This parable of the Sower in the Gospel of Matthew is about the Last Judgment. God sows the seeds of the spirit in the soil of humanity and returns on the day of harvest to reap the rewards of the people who have been faithful to that which has been sown in their hearts. 

The reason this coffee cup painting of The Sower is important to me personally is, it is a constant reminder of how vital it is for me to sow into people's lives the love of God and the Truth of the Word of God to the best if my ability.

So whenever you see me drinking a cup of coffee while teaching, feel free to get you a cup of tea or coffee and join me as we sow God's love and Truth into our lives and expect to reap a harvest of God's blessings.


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